These example workflows constitutes an introduction to the HPE Nimble Storage SDK for Python. It may be used to get familiar both HPE Nimble Storage and NimbleOS as a product as well as getting familiar with the SDK.
The examples are available to browse on GitHub.
Ensure Python 3.6+, pip
and git
is installed on your workstation (See Requirements for other dependencies).
pip install nimble-sdk
git clone https://github.com/hpe-storage/nimble-python-sdk
cd nimble-python-sdk/workflows
It's possible to run the example scripts interactively, but it's more convenient to configure the accompanied workflow_config.json
"hostname":"", # Set these to point to the array being used
Scripts can be run with the --query_login
paramater to interactively login to the Nimble array (credentials are not stored anywhere).
All examples below assumes current working directory nimble-python-sdk/workflows
Interactive explorer¶
As a starting point, running the interactive explorer allows a user to interact with a Nimble array using the SDK.
python nimble_sdk_helper.py
Source code: nimble_sdk_helper.py
Individual workflows¶
Each workflow creates objects to manipulate. If it's not desirable to have objects lingering around on the array, run the scripts with the --cleanup
Good to know
The example outputs below is run in sequence running from the top on a clean array.
Create a volume¶
Creates a volume on the array.
python create_volume.py
Attempting to establish connection to array:
Username: admin
Connection successful!
WORKFLOW: Create Volume
Create Volume "wfvol": Created Id: 0649686580b78e0b16000000000000000000000017
Source code: create_volume.py
List objects¶
List objects on the array.
python list_objects.py
Attempting to establish connection to array:
Username: admin
Connection successful!
WORKFLOW: List Objects
Generating Objects...
Create Volume "wfvol0": Created Id: 0649686580b78e0b16000000000000000000000018
Create Snapshot "wfvolsnap0.0": Created Id: 0449686580b78e0b1600000000000000210000004f
Create Snapshot "wfvolsnap0.1": Created Id: 0449686580b78e0b16000000000000002100000050
Create Snapshot "wfvolsnap0.2": Created Id: 0449686580b78e0b16000000000000002100000051
Create Volume "wfvol1": Created Id: 0649686580b78e0b16000000000000000000000019
Create Snapshot "wfvolsnap1.0": Created Id: 0449686580b78e0b16000000000000002200000052
Create Snapshot "wfvolsnap1.1": Created Id: 0449686580b78e0b16000000000000002200000053
Create Snapshot "wfvolsnap1.2": Created Id: 0449686580b78e0b16000000000000002200000054
Objects on Array:
VOLUME: wfvol0, Id: 0649686580b78e0b16000000000000000000000018
SNAPSHOT: wfvolsnap0.0, Id: 0449686580b78e0b1600000000000000210000004f
SNAPSHOT: wfvolsnap0.1, Id: 0449686580b78e0b16000000000000002100000050
SNAPSHOT: wfvolsnap0.2, Id: 0449686580b78e0b16000000000000002100000051
VOLUME: wfvol, Id: 0649686580b78e0b16000000000000000000000017
VOLUME: wfvol1, Id: 0649686580b78e0b16000000000000000000000019
SNAPSHOT: wfvolsnap1.0, Id: 0449686580b78e0b16000000000000002200000052
SNAPSHOT: wfvolsnap1.1, Id: 0449686580b78e0b16000000000000002200000053
SNAPSHOT: wfvolsnap1.2, Id: 0449686580b78e0b16000000000000002200000054
Source code: list_objects.py
Create a snapshot¶
Creates a snapshot on an example volume.
python create_snapshot.py
Attempting to establish connection to array:
Username: admin
Connection successful!
WORKFLOW: Create Snapshot
Create Volume "wfvol": Already exists. Continuing.
Create Snapshot "wfvolsnap": Created Id: 0449686580b78e0b16000000000000002000000055
Source code: create_snapshot.py
Create initiator group¶
Create an initiator group.
python create_and_update_initiator_group.py
Attempting to establish connection to array:
Username: admin
Connection successful!
WORKFLOW: Create And Update Initiator Group
Create Initiator Group "wfig": Created Id: 0249686580b78e0b16000000000000000000000005
Current initiator count: 0
Added initiator "wftest-itor1": {'label': 'wftest-itor1', 'ip_address': '', 'iqn': 'iqn.1992-01.com.example:storage.tape1.sys1.xyz'}
Current initiator count: 1
Source code: create_and_update_initiator_group.py
Publish volume¶
Publishes a volume to a host.
python publish_volume.py
Attempting to establish connection to array:
Username: admin
Connection successful!
WORKFLOW: Publish Volume
Create Volume "wfvol": Already exists. Continuing.
Create Initiator Group "wfig": Already exists. Continuing.
Create Access Control Record: Created Id: 0d49686580b78e0b16000000000000000000000004
Source code: publish_volume.py
Detach volume¶
Detach volume from a host.
python detach_volume.py
Attempting to establish connection to array:
Username: admin
Connection successful!
WORKFLOW: Detach Volume
Create Volume "wfvol": Already exists. Continuing.
Create Initiator Group "wfig": Already exists. Continuing.
Create Access Control Record: Already exists. Continuing.
Cleanup Acccess Control Record: Deleted Id: 0d49686580b78e0b16000000000000000000000004
Cleanup Initiator Group "wfig": Deleted Id: 0249686580b78e0b16000000000000000000000005
Cleanup Vol "wfvol": Offlined and deleted Id: 0649686580b78e0b16000000000000000000000017
Source code: detach_volume.py
Create a clone¶
Create a clone from a snapshot.
python create_clone.py
Attempting to establish connection to array:
Username: admin
Connection successful!
WORKFLOW: Create Clone
Create Volume "wfvol": Created Id: 0649686580b78e0b1600000000000000000000001a
Create Snapshot "wfvolsnap": Created Id: 0449686580b78e0b16000000000000002300000056
Create Clone "wfvolclone": Created Id: 0649686580b78e0b1600000000000000000000001b
Source code: create_clone.py
Create access control record¶
Create an access control record (ACR) for a volume.
python create_access_control_record.py
Attempting to establish connection to array:
Username: admin
Connection successful!
WORKFLOW: Create Access control Record
Create Volume "wfvol": Already exists. Continuing.
Create Initiator Group "wfig": Created Id: 0249686580b78e0b16000000000000000000000006
Create Access Control Record: Created Id: 0d49686580b78e0b16000000000000000000000005
Source code: create_access_control_record.py
Create a clone and publish¶
Create a clone from a snapshot and publish to a host.
python clone_and_publish_volume.py
Attempting to establish connection to array:
Username: admin
Connection successful!
WORKFLOW: Clone And Publish Volume
Create Volume "wfvol": Already exists. Continuing.
Create Snapshot "wfvolsnap": Already exists. Continuing.
Create Clone "wfvolclone": Already exists. Continuing.
Create Initiator Group "wfvolcloneig": Created Id: 0249686580b78e0b16000000000000000000000007
Create Access Control Record: Created Id: 0d49686580b78e0b16000000000000000000000006
Source code: clone_and_publish_volume.py
Protect volume¶
Protect a volume with a volume collection and protection schedule.
python protect_volume.py
Attempting to establish connection to array:
Username: admin
Connection successful!
WORKFLOW: Protect Volume
Create Volume "wfvol": Already exists. Continuing.
Create Volume Collection "wfvolvolcoll": Created Id: 0749686580b78e0b16000000000000000000000006
Associate Volume: Volume "wfvol" associated with volume vollection "wfvolvolcoll"
Create Protection Schedule "ps1": Created Id: 0c49686580b78e0b1600000000000000000000000a
Source code: protect_volume.py
Configures encryption¶
Setup encryption on the Nimble array.
python configure_encryption.py
Attempting to establish connection to array:
Username: admin
Connection successful!
WORKFLOW: Configure Encryption
Got group: "nva-test-grp", Id: 0049686580b78e0b16000000000000000000000001
Current encryption: {'master_key_set': False, 'mode': 'none', 'scope': 'none', 'cipher': 'none', 'encryption_active': False}
Create Master Key "default": Created Id: 2449686580b78e0b16000000000000000000000001
Create Encrypted Volume "wfvolencrypted": Created Id: 0649686580b78e0b16000000000000000000000013
Updated encryption: {'master_key_set': True, 'mode': 'available', 'scope': 'group', 'cipher': 'aes_256_xts', 'encryption_active': True}
Modified encryption: {'master_key_set': True, 'mode': 'secure', 'scope': 'group', 'cipher': 'aes_256_xts', 'encryption_active': True}
Source code: configure_encryption.py