Table of Contents



class Subscription(Resource)

Subscriptions represent the list of object types or alerts that a websocket client is interested in getting notifications for. Each subscription belongs to a single notification client.


  • id : Identifier for subscription.
  • subscriber_id : Identifier for subscriber (notification client) that this subscription belongs to.
  • notification_type : This indicates the type of notification being subscribed for.
  • object_type : The object type that the notification subscriber is interested in. This is relevant for and required only for audit log based notifications.
  • object_id : The object that the notification subscriber is interested in. Applies only to audit log based notifications.
  • operation : The operation that the notification subscriber is interested in. Applies only to audit log based notifications.
  • event_target_type : The kind of events or alerts that the notification subscriber is interested in. Applies only to events based notifications.
  • event_severity : The severity of events that the notification subscriber is interested in. Applies only to events based notifications.