Table of Contents



class FibreChannelPort(Resource)

Fibre Channel ports provide data access. This API provides the list of all Fibre Channel ports configured on the arrays.


  • id : Identifier for the Fibre Channel port.
  • array_name_or_serial : Name or serial number of the array.
  • controller_name : Name (A or B) of the controller to which the port belongs.
  • fc_port_name : Name of the Fibre Channel port.
  • bus_location : PCI bus location of the HBA (Host Bus Adapter) for this Fibre Channel port.
  • port : HBA (Host Bus Adapter) port number for this Fibre Channel port.
  • slot : HBA (Host Bus Adapter) slot number for this Fibre Channel port.
  • orientation : Orientation of FC ports on a HBA. An orientation of 'right_to_left' indicates that ports are ordered as 3,2,1,0 on the slot. Possible values: 'left_to_right', 'right_to_left'.
  • link_info : Information about the Fibre Channel link associated with this port.
  • rx_power : SFP RX power in uW.
  • tx_power : SFP TX power in uW.