An HPE Storage Array Exporter for Prometheus deployment provides Prometheus metrics for a single storage system. A deployment can use an executable file or a container image.


The address and credentials of the target storage system must be specified in a configuration file, using the format shown in this example storage-system.yaml file.

username: exampleuser
password: examplepassword

The address value is either a resolvable hostname or IP address of the management interface on the storage system. The username value identifies a storage system user with privileges described below.

Storage System User Type Minimal Role Open Ports Requirements
HPE Alletra Storage MP Block, Alletra 9000, Primera, 3PAR System User Browse 22, 443
HPE Alletra 5000/6000, Nimble Storage System User Guest 5392
HPE Alletra 5000/6000, Nimble Storage1 Tenant N/A 443, 5392

1 = NimbleOS 6.0 and above only.

Command Options

Option Default Description
--accept-eula false Confirms your acceptance of the HPE license restrictions
--log.path None A file location to write log messages, in addition to stdout
--metrics.disable-introspection false Excludes metrics about the metrics provider itself, with prefixes such as promhttp, process, and go
--telemetry.addr :8080 The host:port address at which to provide metrics
--telemetry.path /metrics The endpoint path at which to provide metrics

Using an Executable File

A Linux executable file is provided through GitHub releases.

When an executable file has been copied to your server, it can be invoked with this command syntax:

hpe-array-exporter [OPTION]... CONFIG-PATH

Available OPTIONs are described in the Command Options section.

CONFIG-PATH is the location of the storage system configuration file.

Command Example

./hpe-array-exporter --log.path=/var/log/hpe-array-exporter.log /etc/config/storage-system.yaml


Include the --accept-eula option or set the environment variable ACCEPT_HPE_STANDARD_EULA=yes to confirm your acceptance of the HPE license restrictions.

Using a Container Image

A container image is hosted at, with v1.0.3 replaced by the desired release version.

When deploying the array exporter as a container, the configuration file must be mounted as a volume.

Available options, including the --log.path used in the example below, are described in the Command Options section.

Docker Example

In this example, the configuration file at /tmp/storage-system.yaml is bound to the container's /etc/config/ directory as a volume using Docker's -v command option. The configuration file location inside the container is then given as a command argument. In addition, the -p option is used to map the container's port 8080 to port 9090 on the Docker host.

docker run -it --name hpe-array-exporter -p 9090:8080 \
     -v /tmp/storage-system.yaml:/etc/config/storage-system.yaml \ \
     --log.path /var/log/hpe-array-exporter.log \


Include the --accept-eula option or set the environment variable ACCEPT_HPE_STANDARD_EULA=yes to confirm your acceptance of the HPE license restrictions.

Consult the Docker command line documentation for more information on running containers using Docker.

Using a Kubernetes Deployment

Kubernetes deployment facilities are hosted in the co-deployments repository, including a Helm chart (via Artifact Hub) and sample YAML files.